
Sunday, February 10, 2019

The New Deal and the WJLC Agenda :: United States History Politics New Deal Essays

The New Deal and the WJLC Agenda I think that there was a direct line from the progressivism of Theodore Roosevelt through New York City Mayor John Puroy Mitchel, to governor Smith, to regulator Roosevelt, to President Roosevelt, to the topic scene . . . . Its all in one episode.-Frances Perkins. cornerstoneBy April 1933, when Governor Herbert H. Lehman signed the untested minimum mesh handbill for working women, the agenda follow up ond by the Womens Joint Legislative conclave began to assume national proportions for three reasons. First, the election of New York State Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt as president in November of 1932 presented an opportunity for progressive-minded reformers. Second, Conference leaders such as mollie Dewson, Frances Perkins, and travel Schneiderman left the New York scene to pursue a reform agenda in Washington, D.C. Dewson became the head of the Womens Division of the national popular Party, while Perkins assumed the present of U.S. Secre tary of Labor, the first female person cabinet officer in American history. Schneiderman found herself appointed to the field of study Recovery Administration (NRA) after Congress created the agency in June 1933. Finally, and nigh importantly, a powerful ally helped facilitate the continuation of the Conference agenda. Eleanor Roosevelt, the new First Lady, effectively promoted women in the New Deal. As her biographer Blanche Wiesen distort shows, Roosevelt worked with Molly Dewson to compile a list of qualified women for federal appointments. By 1935, Cook notes, over fifty women had been appointed to ranking national positions and hundreds to leadership positions in various government agencies on the state and local level. From 1933 through 1938, Frances Perkins, Rose Schneiderman, and Molly Dewson fought to promote a maximum hour/minimum wage agenda on the federal level. Perkins utilized her new cabinet position to gather together old Conference allies into a new coalition th at pressured both the White Ho example and the Congress to pass federal legislation. Schneiderman saw the NRA as a means of advancing the gains made in New York State. Using her connection to Eleanor Roosevelt, the NYWTUL president witnessed mixed results in the champion to extend protection to all women workers, regardless of race. Dewson functioned more as a behind-the-scenes facilitator, an activity consistent with her direct connection with the national Democratic Party. Working with the First Lady, Dewson placed such protgs as Elinor Morehouse Herrick in important New Deal-related positions. This subtle but effective use of patronage helped the New York State minimum wage bill at a time when the Supreme Court had seemingly nullified the bill in a 1936 case, Morehead v.

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