
Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Ghost in Kenneth Brannaghs Hamlet Essay -- Shakespeare Hamlet Ess

The touching in Kenneth Brannaghs villageWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet is a drama which has been renound for its content and picture show of characters. Over the years, it has gone through many variations of interpretations and disapprovals. One such criticism is the nature of the ghost who takes the form of Hamlets bloodless father. At first glance, it may be sufficient to accept the ghost as the spirit of Hamlets dead father who returns to the land of the living in order to have his discussion avenge his murder. However, looking deeper into the text, several unignorable signs become visible which lead us to see that the ghost is actually the devil in disguise. Kenneth Brannaghs 1997 production of Hamlet brilliantly portrays these signs of evil and cynicism. The Devil had an agenda from the very lead offning to drift havoc in the royal family, leading to the downfall of the crown of Denmark. by and by King Hamlets remnant, the Devil saw this as its perfect opportunity to b egin the first stage of its plan. It was conscious of Hamlets hatred toward his uncle Claudius, who came between Hamlet and his just seat on the throne. It was aware of Hamlets disgust with his mothers incestuous marriage to her brother-in-law. And it was aware of Hamlets despair over losing his father who he dearly loved and admired. In Brannaghs film, we see Francisco (the guard outside the castle walls) startled by the ghost, who motions for his sword. This is the sanction time the ghost has appeared and the guards are both afraid and confused. They thusly war cry upon Horatio, Hamlets dear friend to witness the vision to confirm their fears. When Horatio arrived, the ghost appeared erstwhile again in that fair and warlike form / In which the loftiness of buried Denmark / Did ... ...er Claudius. Hamlet goes mad, which is pains Ophelia. Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius out of rage, then Ophelia dies after going mad due to the madness of Hamlet and the death of her father . Laretes comes home to find his father dead, later finding out his infant dead, then conspires a plot with Claudius to kill Hamlet. This dual ends in the deaths of Claudius, Larates, Gertrude, Hamlet, and later we find out that Rozencranz and Guildenstern have been killed. The death of King Hamlet began a chain reaction which inevitably leads to the downfall of the royal family of Denmark. The Devil has succeeded in its plan by skillfully choosing Hamlet to carry out its soiled work. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. In The Norton Introduction to Literature. Ed. Carl E. Bain, Jerome Beaty, and J. Paul Hunter. W.W. Norton & Company New York. 1995. (1306-1404).

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